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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Kiss at the first sign!

Talk about kiss wasn't a big deal in my life, especially in this crazy world where people are losing their minds and being more and more explicit in their affective demonstrations. However, I was shocked after watch a Korean drama.

I was watching Oh My Venus and my heart was beating so fast while the kiss moment was approaching, my hands were sweating, my mouth was dry and I was locking in the bottle of my throat the scream of happiness for finally see them together. Now please, imagine my disappointment when the expected kiss was just a peck kiss (the lips touching quickly).

Both character were over 30 years old and that was the kiss?! Really?! Come on, kids around the world have shared deeper kisses than those two. After a moment of deep and profound reflection, I understood that I was looking the reflection of a whole culture, with different standards and different attitudes.

So, I asked a female friend about her experiences kissing, she told me that in the first date they never kiss and when they do kiss, they have a peck kiss first to later on start kissing for real. I thought it was just with girls, but than I asked a male friend and he told me that he never kiss in the first date and normally the first kiss is a peck kiss.

But of course there are open mouth kisses and with tongue too, but they don't do it in public or with someone they barely know. They keep these things for private moments… there are others ways to show affection than pressing your tongue in your boy/girlfriend's throat to everybody see.

My Korean female friend's first kiss was with 22 years old and my Korean male friend's first kiss was with 17. I don't have to say how in that moment I felt like Mary Magdalene, the prostitute… I will never reveal how old I was when I first kissed! Not even under severe torture (maybe just if So Ji Sub asks me… I can’t hide anything from him).

In the occidental culture people believe they have to make themselves happy, without a second thought… so it causes a disintegration of values, kids are not kids anymore, a kiss isn't a proof of affection and “I love you” is the same as “good morning” these days. However, the oriental culture (and more specific here the Korean) are trying to preserve their values and beliefs.

During the dramas I have been watching I could see that more than the story itself there was a group of values being thought. The respect to the oldest, the teamwork in schools, workplaces and life, the respect to the body through alimentary habits, and so forth.

 People there don't touch each other for no reason, their space and bodies are special that's why that even a simple and pure peck kiss has an entire different meaning. Honestly I envy those values and standards, I believe we have much to learn with the oriental cultures.

Kiss someone is good, but kiss someone you really love and care about is much better… so, stop kissing-first-and-asking-later and starting looking for the right person to kiss!

I’m curious now… How old were you when you first kissed?
Please post your comment!!

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