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Friday, October 21, 2016

Korean hair and Blangs

Why do Korean girls love bangs that much? I found out the truth!!!! It's because it makes them look much more younger!!! Can you believe it?! If you don't, please watch the video above and understand all this...

It's totally unfair with the rest of us (girls around the world), come on, Korean girls have those cute small eyes and now with a simple hair cut they look younger, innocent and adorable... what's it? Karma? I'd like to be Korean too!!! And about the small eyes... can you believe they don't like it? Seriously... what's wrong with these ladies?! Your small eyes are so unique, they define you and make koreans even more awesome, please, don't try to make it look bigger.

Why do you want big eyes?!
I can't understand...

Now let's get back to the hair... Normally Korean people have straight hair, what is fantastic (I have curly hair and I can assure you that it's not funny), with straight hair you don't even have to brush it, just tie up and go out, it would never happen with curly hair... curly hair needs water to brush, a strong comb, hair creams, patience, magic, etc... and of course, when you finish to fix the curly hair, you can't touch it anymore or it will be destroyed!

As you could see in the video, Korean girls look younger with bangs... what is unfair... so what do you think of stopping using it to make things fair?! After all, Korean girls have cute small eyes, straight hair, lovely bangs and a perfect skin... what is left for the rest of us? mere mortals? lol

Now, let me be serious for a moment... How can someone be
so cute with bangs like that? I always wished bangs like yours, but I couldn't have it... I can't have bangs... I can't have So Ji Sub... Life isn't fair... kkkkkkkk

Look how wonderful it is... I just loved his bangs... (I'm talking about the bangs ladies, just the bangs...)

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